This framework, called SPACE, captures the most important dimensions of developer productivity: satisfaction and well-being; performance; activity; communication and collaboration; and efficiency and flow. By recognizing and measuring productivity with more than just a single dimension, teams and organizations can better understand how people and teams work, and they can make better decisions.
Imagination in Actionは、2023年4月13日にマサチューセッツ工科大学のSamberg会議センターで開催されるAI技術イベントです。
OpenAIのCEOのSam Altman氏のBreakthrough potential of AIに関するセッションについては大変参考になりました。
・fine tuningレイヤー追加しなくても基本モデルでも十分機能する。トレーニングデータを増やすより機能を考えることが重要です。
In summary, the work done by the SETs naturally progressed from supporting only product testing efforts to include supporting product development efforts as well. Their role now encompassed a much broader Engineering Productivity agenda.
Hans Dockter, CEO & Founder of Gradle, talks about the emerging practice of developer productivity engineering, a discipline of using data to improve essential development processes from build/test to CI/CD.
Topics covered in this webinar are:
Quantify the costs of a low productivity environment with wasted time waiting for builds, tests, and CI/CD pipelines
Communicate the importance of fast feedback cycles and catching errors earlier, including incorrect signals like flaky tests
Discuss acceleration technologies for speeding up feedback cycles
Make the practice of developer productivity engineering a respected discipline
Use data to understand and improve essential development processes